Wednesday, August 1, 2012

To whoever is reading this.....

I have been a LITTLE neglectful in my blog writing. That's my fault. I will admit I lost some motivation once I saw that Beverly Hills 90210 references, bio's on obscure comedians and unfinished stories about the Hambluglar were in limited demand. I'm not sure if anyone is even going to read this article. The internet has spoken and I will not turn a deaf ear.

I understand that there are so many great websites out there competing for your attention. That's cool. That people would rather read a writer with actual experience rather than someone who's perspective on high school is "Saved By The Bell." I get it. That I've gotten less hits than a (enter profane analogy here. Probably something about Witney Houston. Yeesh, not that. She died right? Either way, can't do it. Something else. Okay, put in a Taylor Hicks joke. Who's that? Exactly. Oh you know who that is. Argh, just make up something you think is funny. Remember it has to do with "less hits" and you probably want to stay away to any drug or domestic violence jokes. Yeah, see why I said Witney. Who else is a famous case of domestic violence. Not that easy is it? Oh. You're saying the set up was bad. Okay, then we could do "less searches" and just enter a celebrity that no one cares about anymore. Like Kevin Federline. Who's that? He was the guy that Britney Spears dated then he came out with a record. He was a dancer I think. He might have been that celebrity show where they lose weight. Like, Celebrity Biggest Loser. Yeah, I like that show. REALLY inspirational show, right? Just too long. Even when you record it. You have to fast forward and stuff. Maybe I should pick a star that will be famous in a year and eventually get hit. Emma Stone maybe. She seems like the current "it" girl, plus she's really "hit-able." Just thought about something...what if she does get hit? Then it will look like I did it. Anywhoo, just ignore this. Remember, we were talking about me failing at life. Okay, and go.... ) I can live with that. I'm cool. Maybe it's my writing. Maybe it's my tangents. Maybe it's my stupid face. Maybe, maybe, maybe. The one thing we're sure of:

Nobody is really interested in "Jason Jacobs." Yeah, that's the reality folk(s). Truth be told, I shouldn't need readers to motivate me if I was a "real" writer. It does help. Actually knowing your stuff is getting read, it means something. Oh well, it's time to be realistic. I gave myself one last gasp. A bit of nostalgia for old times sake. I didn't even remember the website name. Yet, imagine my surprise when I typed in "Jason Jacobs Bl..." and google filled in the last letters "...ogspot" Really? Can this be? Do people like me and I just didn't know it. Maybe this will spark a motivation. This could really be a new beginning for me. I hit enter and what did I see....that's right. Wham!

I wasn't first, or second, or third. In fact, I'm not even sure where I'm at because I got tired of clicking "next." Instead these guys came up. Here's the thing. I have low ambitions. Very low. How low do you ask? I have one simple goal. To be on the first page of a google search in which I LITERALLY type the title of my blog and website. Maybe I saddled to the wrong horse? But there already is a Jason Jacobs on here. I'm not a arrogant person. I'm not angry. Or bitter. I just want to get better and I finally have a goal. So....I have outlined a three step process. This blog will now be about getting on the first page.

STEP ONE: Analyze what the other Jason Jacobs are doing right.

STEP TWO: Create a strategy for my own blog to increase google hits.

STEP THREE: Destroy all the other Jason Jacobs.

It's a simple plan that's almost too easy not to work. Now a fire grows in me that is giving my heart third degree burns....and it feels good! Please, nay, DO JOIN ME IN MY QUEST TO BE NUMBER ONE JASON JACOBS BLOGGER IN THE UNIVERSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jason Jacobs that aren't've be warned. Because...

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


...this post might not be the most effective way to determine the date, but it does the trick.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

The question of the day that Google won't answer...

Q: What's the perfect amount of Grape soda must one keep on stock in case old people come over?

A: It's a well known fact that old people love grape soda. The question is "How much?" The average old person will not readily admit to loving grape soda. Being not of age, I'm not quite sure why they avoid this obvious truth. In my conversations to get to the bottom of this, I've only run into awkward pauses and what can only be referred to as a general state of confusion. Either way, years of grape soda repression will mean that once they start drinking, they won't stop. You'll want AT LEAST 2 liters per old person. They usual travel as a couple or in flocks. This means you'll want at least 8 two liter bottles at any given time. Anything less would be just rude. Hope that helps.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

GUEST BLOG!!!! Lions20r is in the BLOGHOUSE!!!

"What's your balls?"....don't wonder about it, just say it....I do

When a guy tells you "hey loserdork! get outta here!"
"What's your BALLS man?!?!"

When you get a raise but now you make about the same net salary then you did before
"Hey tiered tax bracket system! What is your BALLS right now?!?!"

When the fireman tells you "I'm just gonna let your house burn to the ground today, I'm busy"
"What's YOUR balls!?!"

When the lady with the hat screams at her kid for no reason!
"HEY!!! your BALLS lady?!?!"

When a bus is parked and you don't want it there
"What is your BALLS bus?!?!"

When your mom makes you a meal that looks good but there's a rat in it
"MOM!?!? what is your BALLS lady?!?!?"

get it? i want you to understand...

it's how you ask people what their problem is. "what's your problem?" is 1980's. We all love the 80's...but let's be honest...they're so 1994.

feel free to give as many examples as you can think of for situations which deserve a "What's your balls?!"...
Lord knows we could all use them

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Find True Love...

There are several websites claiming to help two individuals meet. How many of them GUARANTEE true love? One...this one. This is for men seeking women.

What you should look for...
First, does she smell. This will be your first sign that this isn't your true love.

Does she share food?
Uh oh, true love never super sizes.

Is there ever a time where she says "nanu nanu?"
It's Robin Williams. No one loves Robin Williams.

Do you find other men in her bed?
Probably someone else's true love.

Is there a large amount of stupid coming from her mouth?
This might be your true love, but probably not. Many times true love is smart, unless you're stupid. Consider, but don't propose just yet.

Does she eat your face after sex?
Looks like you're with a praying mantis. Probably not your true love.

When dinner is served, does she make it or pay?
If yes, you are on the path to happiness. At the end of the path there may be true love. Yeah!

Does she find Latin American Superstar Ricky Martin to be attractive?
Heh, another trick. It's a man. Good one.

Are nicknames involved?
Yes, great luck! True love never calls each other by real names. All names should be fake, but not sarcastic. Then you are a henchman named "Tiny".

Do sentences always start and end with "sir"?
True love is not formal. It's pj's all the way.

Is your birthday gift a funbird?
You just got a fake gift. Lies and deception do not equal true love.

Does she say "Two can play at that game"?
Mutuality is good. Love comes in two. Remember, being a couple involves two. TWO!!!!!!

Is her favorite movie "Patch Adams"?
Again, this is Robin Williams.

Congratulations! I have now solved all your romantic needs as that icy void that is your heart has been thawed and filled with a pool of fulfillment and happiness. Oh yeah, don't forget to bring the roses. Everyone loves roses, even true love (no matter how false it is). Hahahahahaha...oh the lives I have created. Good luck!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

What I've been doing since I graduated...

I've mostly been ghost writing a book called "I'll Take That To Go". Here is an excerpt:

"It's not that you're "too much for me" as you so aptly like to put it. That's just a euphemism for "obnoxious drunk." No, my problem is the reckless way you flaunt your sexuality and maliciously belittle me in front of my friends. At least my problem puts food on the plate." Sara quickly fired back "Stealing hamburgers isn't a job!" The Hamburglar was stunned. Sarah said what everyone was thinking, but only she had the courage to say it. Even so, she would've given anything to take it back. "I'm going to Grimaces." Hamburglar somberly replied as he left through the front door. She reached down to take a bite of her hamburger. It was gone. A bittersweet smile washes across her face.

Chapter 12 "One Last Big Score"