Wednesday, June 24, 2009

What I've been doing since I graduated...

I've mostly been ghost writing a book called "I'll Take That To Go". Here is an excerpt:

"It's not that you're "too much for me" as you so aptly like to put it. That's just a euphemism for "obnoxious drunk." No, my problem is the reckless way you flaunt your sexuality and maliciously belittle me in front of my friends. At least my problem puts food on the plate." Sara quickly fired back "Stealing hamburgers isn't a job!" The Hamburglar was stunned. Sarah said what everyone was thinking, but only she had the courage to say it. Even so, she would've given anything to take it back. "I'm going to Grimaces." Hamburglar somberly replied as he left through the front door. She reached down to take a bite of her hamburger. It was gone. A bittersweet smile washes across her face.

Chapter 12 "One Last Big Score"

Thursday, June 18, 2009

I graduated with my Masters!

Many of you couldn't come, but it was a glorious. To better recreate the day, please watch the clip below and replace the words "Donna Martin" with "Jason Jacobs".