Let me set the scene. Imagine taking five high school kids. Give them a multi-million dollar store and tell them to deal with the biggest shopping day of the year. The result, my Black Friday experience. So I did the whole Black Friday thing. I'm normally not into such things. I get it though. If you like to shop, then it's the Super Bowl of shopping. I prefer to not usual do stuff that requires effort. The only time I've ever woken up and did something like this was to get a Wii. I mostly did that because I didn't want Stupid Mike to have one and not me. A TV is just not worth it (plus I don't have any money) but there was one that was such a good price that I would deal with the financial repercussions later. Also why not? Right? Let me tell you something about the double edged sword that is "Why not?" I woke up at 4:45 am and go to Circuit City. My PRIMARY goal was to get Burger King breakfast (which closes at 10:30 am) I stand in the TV line for 2 hours and 40 minutes (15 minutes of which were in the cold outside). Finally they run out of the TV's. My favorite part is the amazing irony of how they are creating the line WITH THE TV'S. Yeah, they kept the TV's in the boxes and that's how they formed the line. So they sold out. Then the girlfriend and I have to go to the regular line. So we're in line for 40 minutes and have bonded with the people around us. It's kind of like when you are a kid and you basically have to be friends with people who have the letters in close proximity to your last name. Fortunately, they were nothing like stupid Mark Apple. So I decide to see what's going on in the front of the line... and who do I see...the people from the TV line that have been moved over to the regular line. You can either choose to sigh, laugh, or start throwing punches. I would just like to point out that if enough people are given this option eventually someone is going to throw punches. Anyway, I chose to sigh and went back to my place in line. It's been four hours at this point (9:00) and the line was at least another hour and a half. We couldn't leave because the girlfriend needed to get some presents for her parents. Now it was all about Burger King. Fortunately, I talked to the manager and he told me I could buy my stuff in the radio department. He said it like it was obvious. Oh, you mean I don't have to sit in the 2 hour line. Obviously, I'm an idiot. So our group went over there and that whole process took about 10 minutes.
Final Results of "Black Friday":
Woke up: 4:15 am
Got to Circuit City: 5:00 am
Waited in line: 4 hours and 20 minutes
Got: The Office Season 2 $12:99
The Constant Gardener $3.99
Miami Vice $3.99
Good Night, and Good Luck $3.99
A History of Violence $3.99
Dawn of the Dead $3.99
Burger King breakfast $11.02
Was it Worth It: Well, I've already seen The Office and didn't really want any of the movies I bought (I had to re-buy "A History of Violence") and I also only saved about $20 on the movies, BUT I woke up early enough for Burger King Breakfast. So...NO of course it wasn't worth it and this only confirmed everything my step-father always said about me. Then again, I should've known maybe it wasn't the best idea to go out on a day called BLACK FRIDAY. Anyway, there's NO WAY this day could get any worse. Now it's time to sit back and watch "Miami Vice".
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jason. lesson #24. dont go shopping when everyone else goes shopping to save $2. not worth it. hint: the downloaded miami vice has the same action and drama as the store bought miami vice. lesson#25 go shopping when everyone else is working as a symbolic middle finger to the world to tell them that you are old and unemployed spending tons of jewish money
Thanks for stopping on Lesson 23 BEFORE the biggest shopping day of the year.
it was fun!
Black Friday shoppers suffer from low self-worth. What's the correct psychology term, Jason? You waited four hours to save $20. So you value an hour of your time at $5. That's sad. Even Wal-Mart starts their entry level workers at a higher rate... Most Black Friday shoppers would be better served reading up on economic principles than sitting in a line to get a TV that will be sold out by the time they get to the front.
PS- People starting camping out at the Best Buy in Miami at 9 the night before.
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