Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Random Alliance Needed So our Favorite Odious Movies will be Remembered

One of the great human escapism is the story. It started as carvings on the wall. As we developed language, so to did our stories. Tales were orally passed from generation to generation. Eventually we learned to write and print. Finally, after several millennia of civilization, humans have reached a new zenith by melding both pictures and words to create the movie. So nothing is more entertaining than watching a story teller with 2500 years of evolution make "Batman and Robin." Many will argue that these movies are "utter trash" and "vacant pop culture garbage that requires no thought once so ever" but we disagree...strongly. These movies have spurred on more hours of conversations by forcing individuals to juxtapose reality to these "bad" movies. As "Where Waldo" taught us, nothing is more intellectual engrossing than the discovery of something that doesn't belong. We here at TRANSFORMER's hope to catalogue these puzzles of ineptitude so others may enjoy. The first movie was the summer montage-athon Sideout. I'll be breaking these movies down in the upcoming weeks....

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