Thursday, November 15, 2007

Slogan of the week....

Slogans are very difficult. They have to be consise, memorable, and most of all educational. I did some research and believe to have found the perfect sentiment that sums up rape. In fact, I give permission to the "Sexual Violence Prevention and Education Program" to use this as their slogan. Spread the word because remember:


The other slogans that didn't make the cut (and there reasons):

1) Raping Ain't Just For Black Folk
- This a) insinuated that black people rape. b) was clearly a misguided way to reach the "kids" by using the close proximity of the words "Raping" and "Rapping" c) stereotypes rappers as black and d) promotes rape.

2)If you Rape, You've Gotta' Pay For The Abortion
- This only reaches out to the "date rape" demographic. The knowledge of a condom would lessen the messages impact. It's also too long and we really can't force someone to pay for an abortion. A simple cost/benefit analysis would also really hurt our point.

3 You + Force - "No" = Jail
- The thought was "Math is the universal language", but apparently many people don't like math. Plus this message is just confusing. There is no reference to rape and could mean any number of things. The minus "no" was particularly confusing. Our results showed many were under the impression we meant to take away the thought of "no" (as in "too give up"). One test screener said "I guess I won't be working out again."

4) Don't stick it where you sit it!
- This was meant for rape among the gay community. Originally we had it worded as "Don't wrongly stick it..." but it was too long for a bumper sticker. We clearly missed the mark on this one and seemed to be advocating against homosexuality and any form of sodomy.

5) Rape is a sin.
- This was on was just weak. We're also not even sure if it's technically a sin.

6) Only Bad People Rape
- We really liked this one. It played the "What kind of person do I want to be" card and was straight to the point. Sounds great, but what if you've already raped? Then you're doomed to be a "bad" person for the rest of your life. You probably are but we don't want to put a limit on the individuals ability to change. Yes, we made you feel more guilty but our job is prevention. Plus what about all those cases were it's not really "rape" JK ;-)

7) Don't Buy Into Rape
- If you were offended with the last sentence for number six you'll understand why we passed on this guy. We were attempting to tell people not to rape, but many read it as a proclamation that rape doesn't exist. I was really rooting for this one because we had a running joke that we would sell so many bumper stickers. I guess you had to be there.

8) Rapes of Wrath
- We thought we were really clever coming up with this one. Unfortunately it doesn't make much sense and most people missed the reference anyway.

9) Please don't rape
- Way too nice.

10) Stop! Think! Rape?
- We just seem to have way too many like this one. It's confusing and far too philosophical. One tester emphatically agreed with us and started talking about the United States invading Iraq.

How we choose the one we did:

Rape is just rude!
- First of all, it doesn't make a judgment call on the person and stays with the act. Second, the exclamation mark really drives the point home. Finally, nobody likes to be rude.

This was a fun process and thanks for all of those that participated.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

this might be the most i've ever laughed