Thursday, November 15, 2007

It's 4:30 am..

...and I have a paper due. What am I doing instead you ask?

Please don't ask me how I got to this video. There's a big joke at the end that makes it all worth it, trust me.

1 comment:

Lions20r said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH, FULLY knowing you could absolutely NOT be trusted, i forced myself....NEIGH...ALLOWED MYSELF!!!! to watch this was...well, i dont wanna ruin it, but it definitely...was. seriously though i was starting to wonder whether or not the punchline would be worth it but thank GOD it was!...also it really doesnt make any sense unless you watch the whole video from the start which for the first minute or two is pretty touch until the other stuff happens...good call my friend! good call!