Saturday, November 17, 2007

An excerpt from the book I'm writing...

Meet Me On The Other Side of Hope

"It's not that you're "too much for me" as you so aptly like to put it. That's just a euphemism for "obnoxious drunk." No, my problem is the reckless way you flaunt your sexuality and maliciously belittle me in front of my friends. At least my problem puts food on the plate." Sara quickly fired back "Stealing hamburgers isn't a job!" The Hamburglar was stunned. Sarah said what everyone was thinking, but only she had the courage to say it. Even so, she would've given anything to take it back. "I'm going to Larry's." Hamburglar somberly replied as he left through the front door. She reached down to take a bite of her hamburger. It was gone. A bittersweet smile washed across her face.

Chapter 12 "One Last Big Score"


Debbie said...

love it.... i can't wait to read the rest. was this inspired from "i'll meet me on the other side of hell?"

Colesha7 said...

I'm not gonna lie
a novel about the hamburgler would probably be in the top 5,000 worst novels ever written
however, if you do write it, include the fact that a parade....i not only threw candy at a "hamburgler" character, but evidently hit his costume hard enough with candy to make him throw candy back at me and make obscene gestures (which i won't mention due to the obviously sensitive audience that reads this...i.e. the asian ordeal)
either way, please at least include all the mcdonalds characters in your novel to try to bring it up a notch

JASON said...

Great, I wish someone would've told me that 873 pages ago. Then again, bottom 5,000 does give me some leeway...